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BiKavod promotes respect among all Jews, even while disagreeing. Our mission is to promote a society that chooses to focus on the goodness in every person, despite political and ideological differences. We promote this through public campaigns, grassroots political activism, partnering with allied organizations, collaborative volunteerism, and community-based activities to increase acceptance.
More ways to get involved in building Jewish Unity! 👇🏻
Learn about various opportunities to volunteer internationally
-Help families of soldiers
-collect things the soldiers need
-Join rallies promoting Jewish Unity
(If you have a project to support our family and need volunteers, feel free to reach out
Get weekly inspiration!
-Text-based sources
-Receive a weekly challenge to integrate the skills.
In partnership with Ahavas Yisrael Response. To form your own local group email
Social Media Campaign to spread our vision of a respectful Jewish world.
Where every rally, debate, & political discourse would begin with an acknowledgment of respect of family.
We each need to be different.
We need to act #biKavod
We want to express deep gratitude to the following individuals who lovingly volunteered their skills to bring more unity to our Jewish Family for the 9 Day Jewish Unity Challenge!
With over 500 participants, 1,000's of challenges fulfilled, immeasurable love & connection grown...
BiKavod promotes respect among all Jews, even while disagreeing. Our mission is to promote a society that chooses to focus on the goodness in every person, despite political and ideological differences. We promote this through public campaigns, grassroots political activism, partnering with allied organizations, collaborative volunteerism, and community-based activities to increase acceptance.